
Good day. I released the v1.1.0 update

Here are all the new things.

Fixed the glitching in the walls. (Basically just added a

hitbox for Mark and made him a separate sprite.)

Fixed Mr. Business's robot still making noise after you die.

Fixed Items spawning in objects.

New stuff:

Added the Ice Cube item. When touched, it freezes all

the enemies.

Added the Basmann Bar. When eaten, you gain invincibility

for a limited time.

Added the Axe Man. He throws his axe at you and goes

after it after it hit something. On impact you bleed.

Added Mr. Halfward. He throws a nail that when it hits

you or the wall it transforms into a mini enemy, an eyeball.

TOTALLY DIDN'T Add a spoopy screen that has a chance

of appearing after the results.

Added this book. Hello!

Added Pizza you can collect that gives you 100p.

Added next to the score an indicator that shows which

grade you will get.

Added a rare BSOD screen.

Added a a Warning. PLAE AT YER OWN RISK!!1!!1!1!!!

Added a change making higher graders harder to get.

Removed the white color from the Radiation Barrel in

the book with items.

Added more settings

Remade the menu

Added a new sprite for Mark when getting slapped

Removed the abillity to break the left door after finishing

room 1. (There was supposed to be a secret mode regarding

that but I scrapped it and forgot to remove that.)

Changed the cursor to a slice of pizza

Added a new cool info that Mr. Business can say

Changed the code because sometimes you would get score

when the screen shaked.

Changed the Fire sprite.

Changed S.N.1.P.3.R's power off sfx.

Changed the wood breaking sfx.

This is currently the biggest update I have ever made for one of my games. If you encounter a bug, please submit it here: https://blash8-games.itch.io/teps-problems.

Thank you!!


The Endless Pizza Siege v1.1.0 Windows.zip 456 MB
Jun 17, 2024
The Endless Pizza Siege v1.1.0 MacOS.zip 371 MB
Jun 17, 2024
The Endless Pizza Siege v1.1.0 Linux.zip 457 MB
Jun 17, 2024

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